Publication Ethics
- Editorial Integrity and Independence:
The editorial board of ABBSSR is committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and independence. Editors will base their decisions on the scholarly merit of the submitted work and ensure that personal, academic, or financial considerations do not influence the publication process.
- Authorship and Originality:
Authors submitting manuscripts to ABBSSR must ensure that their work is original and has not been published elsewhere. Proper acknowledgment of the work of others must be provided, and all co-authors should have made substantial contributions to the research.
- Plagiarism and Ethical Use of Sources:
ABBSSR employs plagiarism detection tools to ensure the originality of submitted manuscripts. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their work is free from plagiarism and have appropriately cited and referenced sources.
- Peer Review Process:
ABBSSR adheres to a rigorous peer-review process to maintain the quality and validity of published research. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, and their evaluations are kept confidential. Authors are encouraged to address reviewers' comments and suggestions in a timely and respectful manner.
- Conflicts of Interest:
Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the objectivity and integrity of the publication process. Such conflicts may include financial interests, personal relationships, or institutional affiliations that could bias judgment.
- Data and Results Transparency:
Authors are expected to provide accurate and transparent reporting of their research methods, data, and results. Any manipulation or selective reporting that may mislead readers is considered unethical. Raw data and materials should be made available upon request for the purpose of verification.
- Informed Consent and Human/Animal Rights:
Authors must ensure that studies involving human subjects or animals have obtained the necessary ethical approvals and informed consent. ABBSSR reserves the right to request documentation of ethical approval for such studies.
- Corrections and Retractions:
ABBSSR is committed to correcting errors promptly and transparently. In cases of serious misconduct or errors that affect the validity of published research, retractions will be issued following proper procedures.
- Copyright and Licensing:
Authors retain copyright of their work, and ABBSSR applies a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) to published articles. Proper attribution should be given when using or reproducing content from ABBSSR.
- Editorial Decisions and Appeals:
Authors dissatisfied with editorial decisions may appeal in writing to the Editor-in-Chief, providing a detailed justification. The editorial team will thoroughly review the appeal and make decisions based on the merit of the case.